[caption id="attachment_537" align="alignright" width="277" caption="Yoga Positions for Easy Sleep "][/caption]
Not being able to fall asleep has to do with a state of restless mind syndrome, because your mind is always thinking you need to do something physical to allow the central nervous system to calm down which in turn quiets the mind, releases your stress and allows you to fall asleep. While exercising regularly may help you to sleep better, power yoga also known as Ashtanga done at least three times a week is a better choice when it is done at early in the day. Three-part breath is helpful for clearing the mind before going to bed and using a few yoga stretches, like Happy baby will make it easier for you to relax. The Goddess post is also a great relaxation pose, as these poses you can do while lying in bed.
If you attend a yoga class you are aware that every class ends with the Corpse pose. While lying in bed focus on each part of your body and concentrate on relaxing it before moving to another body part. Begin with your toes, and then move to your legs and arms, to your torso, neck then face and head. While concentrating on each part breathe deeply and exhale as you relax each area. Concentrating on your breathing creates a break from you active mind and lets you relax.
The Savasana pose is not a stretching exercise at all. With this yoga position you just lie down on the floor with a blanket folded under your head and neck and another blanket rolled under your knees. Cover your eyes with a soft cloth and yet another blanket to cover your body. Stay in this pose for 15 to 20 minute while using a breathing technique. Slowly inhale and then hold your breath for a count of 8. As you exhale with another 8 count this will help stimulate your nervous system to take over and prompt your body to go into a rest and repair mode.
[caption id="attachment_534" align="alignright" width="249" caption="Yoga Positions for Easy Sleep - Legs-Up-Against-The-Wall"][/caption]
Halasana also known as the Plough pose is especially helpful if you can’t fall asleep. Lie down on the floor and rest your thighs on a padded chair, so you shins are parallel to the floor. If you find you have trouble waking up during the night, try the Side-Lying Savasana. Lie on your left side and put a pillow under your right knee, right arm, stomach and head so you feel fully supported and emotionally comfortable.
The legs-up-the-wall-pose or Sanskrit is one of my favorites and especially helpful for creating a restful sleep. It also helps relieve tired or cramped legs and feet while stretching the back of your legs and neck. Take a rolled up blanket or bolster to create support and prop your hips and lower back while sweeping you legs up against the wall. Cover your eyes with a soft cloth and focus on your breathing. Stay there at least 20 minutes.
The content provided in Yoga Positions to Sleep Easy is for information purposes only, intended to raise the awarenesss of different solutions for your sleep problems and should not be considered medical advice. For medical diagnosis and treatment, please see your qualified health-care professional.
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