Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do I Snore

Are you asking yourself “Why do I snore”? If you have sleep apnea, your airways can be blocked or narrowed during sleep because your throat muscles and tongue relax more than usual, your tongue and tonsils are large compared to the opening into your windpipe, you’re overweight due to the extra soft fat tissue can thicken the wall of the windpipe causing the inside opening to narrow and make it harder to keep open, the shape of your head and neck may cause a smaller airway size in the mouth and throat area or the aging process limits the brain’s ability to keep your throat muscles stiff during sleep causing your inability to fall asleep easy and stay asleep during the night.

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Why should you be concerned? Not enough airflow into your lungs when your airways are fully or partly blocked during sleep can cause loud snoring and a drop in blood oxygen levels. When the oxygen drops to dangerous levels, it triggers your brain to disturb you sleep. This helps tighten the upper airway muscles and open your windpipe. Normal breaths start again often with loud snorts or choking sounds. Frequent drops in oxygen levels and reduced sleep quality trigger the release of stress hormones. These compounds raise your heart rate and increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and irregular heartbeats. The hormones also raise the risk for, or worsen heat failure. Untreated sleep apnea can also lead to changes in how your body uses energy. These changes increase your risk for obesity and diabetes.

What are the signs of sleep apnea? Loud and chronic snoring, along with pauses that may occur in snoring and choking or gasping may follow the pauses. The snoring usually is loudest when you sleep on your back; it may be less noisy when you turn on your side. Snoring may not happen every night, but overtime, snoring may happen more often and get louder. You’re asleep when the snoring or gasping occurs. You will not know that you’re having problems breathing or be able to judge how severe the problem may be. Your bed partner or family members will often notice these problems before you do. Not everyone that snores has sleep apnea.

Afternoon sleepiness is another sign of sleep apnea as you may fight sleep during the day, at work or while driving. You may find yourself rapidly falling asleep during the quiet moments of the day went you are not active. Other signs and symptoms may be morning headaches, memory or learning problems, inability to concentrate, feeling irritable depressed or have mood swings, urination at night and dry throat in the morning.

How is sleep apnea treated? According to the National Institute on Aging, if it is mild avoid alcohol and medicines that make you sleepy. They make it harder for your throat to stay open while you are asleep. Lose weight, even 10% of weight loss can improve your symptoms. To keep your throat open, sleep on your side instead of your back. A Sleep Better Visco Bed Wedge PillowBed Pillows) or the popular Snore-No-More PillowMassage & Relaxation Products) can help you from turning onto your back. If needed, talk to your doctor about nose sprays, breathing devices or allergy medications that may help keep your nasal passages open during the night. Stop smoking can help snore treatment.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. A CPAP machine has a mask that fits over your mouth and nose, or just over your nose. The machine gently blows air into your throat. The air pressure is adjusted so that it’s just enough to stop the airways from becoming narrowed or blocked during sleep. A sleep technician will set up the machine and adjust it based on your doctor’s orders. If you have trouble with your CPAP, work with your sleep specialist so steps can be taken to reduce side effects. There are many different types of machines and masks. People who have severe sleep apnea generally feel better after they start treatment.

[caption id="attachment_1500" align="alignright" width="246" caption="Why do I snore? Use a CPAP pillow to help you sleep easy"][/caption]

Continuing health needs by following up with your doctor regularly to make sure the treatment is working. Tell him or her if the treatment is causing side effects you can’t handle. This is especially important if you’re getting CPAP treatment as it takes awhile to adjust to the machine. If you’re not comfortable with your CPAP or it doesn’t seem to be working, tell your doctor. You may have to switch your machine, mask or you may need treatment to relieve CPAP side effects. A Sleep Apnea Pillow - CPAP Pillow - CPAP Nasal Pillow a Sleep Apnea Mask Device Pillow, Pillow For Sleep Apnea may help you sleep better while using the machine while sleeping.
Try not to gain weight as excess weight can worsen sleep apnea and require adjustments to your CPAP device. Weight loss can relieve your sleep apnea. Until you apnea is properly treated, know the dangers of driving or operating heavy machinery when you are sleepy. If you have surgery that requires medicine that puts you to sleep, let your doctor know you have sleep apnea. They might have to take extra steps to make sure your airway stays open during the surgery.

Sleep apnea is usually a chronic condition that disrupts sleep three or more nights a week. It is estimated that more than 12 million American adults have sleep apnea and more than half of the people who have this condition are overweight. Doctors diagnose sleep apnea based on your medical and family histories, a physical exam and results from sleep studies.

The content provided in Why do I Snore is for information purposes only, intended to raise the awareness of different solutions for you or your families sleep problems and should not be considered medical advice. For medical diagnosis and treatment, please see your qualified health-care professional.

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